Graphql nested collection is not sorted

System Information
  • Node.js version: 20.12.0
  • NPM version: 10.5.0
  • Strapi version: 5.4.0
  • Database: sqlite
  • Operating system: MacOS
  • Is your project Javascript or Typescript: JS

Describe the bug

Nested collection in graphql ignores the sort value. The correspondent REST requests is actually ordering the nested collection

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Have a relationship one to many in a collection, eg, in my case: schedulesByDay has many schedule and have a time field on schedule
  2. Query an object with the nested collection
  3. The nested collection is sorted

Won’t order the schedules by time

Expected behavior

It orders schedules by time


Code snippets

query SchedulesByDays($sort: [String], $schedulesSort2: [String]) {
  schedulesByDays(sort: $sort) {
    schedules(sort: $schedulesSort2) {


  "sort": [
  "schedulesSort2": [

Additional context

The query is not sorting the nested collection by time

Been trying to implement it myself like this

    const extensionService = strapi.service('plugin::graphql.extension');
    extensionService.use(({ strapi }) => ({
      typeDefs: `
        type Query {
          schedulesByDaysSorted(sort: [String], schedulesSort: [String], pagination: PaginationArg): [SchedulesByDay]
      resolvers: {
        Query: {
          schedulesByDaysSorted: async (parent, args, ctx) => {
            const { sort, schedulesSort, pagination } = args;

            console.log('*** __dirname: ', __dirname);

            // Fetch days with sorting and nested schedules sorting
            const days = await strapi
                populate: {
                  schedules: {
                    sort: schedulesSort,

              JSON.stringify(days, null, 2),

            return days;
      resolversConfig: {
        'Query.schedulesByDaysSorted': {
          auth: false,

and thing is that the output file is correctly printing the right order, but what goes back to the client is not.

Did you manage to resolve this?

I’m having the same issue with a categories/articles relationship - one category has many articles but the graphql query will not sort the articles array by any of its properties…

It’s currently an open issue on github and a confirmed bug.

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Thank you… for this query I have been able to get the data I need by structuring it differently and having the sort at the top level e.g.

- but look forward to the fix as I know I will need it in future!