Help with mux video plugin

Hello Experts,

I have installed mux video plugin for nuxt and configured it.
Now I have videos inside my “mux video uploader”

But I don’t know how to add a ‘mux video’ into my collection.
Your help will be highly appreciated.

Nuwan T.

@nuwanz were you able to use the relation field.

I have created the relation field into my collection and also can see the data in the field drop-down but when I call the list or detail API of strapi the added field is not coming in api response.
I added the field with populate mux_video_uploader_mux_asset: { populate: “2A” },

same for me did you find a solution? @Deepak_Gupta

Yes but i have not applied since it ask for manual change in DB

Please have a look and let me know if you apply this changes

Hey @Deepak_Gupta i apply what’s in the git issue, it work for me, if you use postgresSQL i can help you.
Let me know :slight_smile:

@NalessoAxel Yes I use PostgreSQL. Help me out pls

ok so you need Pgadmin on your machine, then go to your db the one you use for your strapi app, then found the table ‘up_permissions’, right click on it, go to View/Edit data → all rows then in the data output section you can add a row
Capture d’écran 2022-11-08 à 14.36.46
you copy past : ‘plugin::mux-video-uploader.mux-asset.find’ you choose the id you want, one is not allready in use. Save data changes.
Now go to up_permissions_role_links, right click → query tool → in the query playground make your SQL query : INSERT INTO up_permissions_role_links (permission_id, role_id)
VALUES (*id you choose before *, 1) then execute your query.
Now you can find in your strapi dashboard, USER AND PERMISSIONS → ROLE → AUTH go down and you will have the plugin in your permissions.

I hope it help

@NalessoAxel thanks, it worked :pray:

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