Help with running the Getting Started with 11ty demo

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 3.6.6
  • Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
  • Database: sqllite
  • Node Version: 14.7.4
  • NPM Version: 6.14.14
  • Yarn Version:

I used the Strapi quickstart and set up demo data and am now trying to use the 11ty integration found here: Get started with 11ty - Strapi Developer Documentation

The API returns data for all of the endpoints. When I run eleventy --serve the home page works correctly and lists the restaurants. If I follow the link in the generated home page to go to the restaurant page I get the error: Cannot GET /restaurants/1

In the console, I see the following content security policy error: Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (“default-src”).

Am I missing some other configuration for the links to work off the homepage? It appears that the correct file is being built for the restaurant in the build folder.

I’m totally new to this and feel like I’m missing something basic. Thanks in advance for any insight.


I’m also having this problem

Figured it out. When you are developing the link goes to the route of your project directory so you need to use …/restaurants in your