System Information
- Strapi Version: v3.6.0
- Operating System: macOS
- Database: Mysql
- Node Version: v14.17.3
- NPM Version: 7.19.0
- Yarn Version: /
I would like to be able to implement a search function on my website of articles. I want to search the titles but also the content of the article. That content is a rich text field and I’m not really sure how to implement the filter in the graphql request.
This is an example of an article i get in a request without any filters:
This is how I search the title:
const query = this.$gql`
query Articles {
articles ( start: 0, limit: 6, locale: "${this.$i18n.locale}", sort: "created_at:desc", where:{ title_contains:"${searchString}" } ){
const articles = await this.$graphql.default.request(query)
That works fine but i’m not sure how to write the filter to search the content property inside the body because it’s a dynamic zone. Is it even possible?