How do i connect strapi to cloudinary

i have trouble connecting strapi to cloudinary. i have tried the few videos on youtube but they all seem old. i did install the stapi-provider-upload-cloudinary but i miss the upload link in my plugins on strapi, see picture bellow

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this is how my strapi looks like

Hello @Luganda1

Quite a few versions ago we changed the setup and configuration of the upload providers to file based instead of through the admin panel.

Each provider has a README file that explains where and how to configure Strapi to use them, for cloudinary see: strapi/ at master · strapi/strapi · GitHub

The short answer is you need to create the following file: ./config/plugins.js

With the following content:

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  // ...
  upload: {
    provider: 'cloudinary',
    providerOptions: {
      cloud_name: env('CLOUDINARY_NAME'),
      api_key: env('CLOUDINARY_KEY'),
      api_secret: env('CLOUDINARY_SECRET'),
  // ...

Then in Heroku set those environment variables:


This can be done via their CLI tool or inside their web interface.

Hi Derrick!
This what i exactly did before but it cant seem to give me what am looking for. Is there anyway we can share screens and see how you can help me with this?

Sure @Luganda1 let me PM you and see if we can setup a quick zoom call then we can summarize the interaction here when we are done :slight_smile:

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What was the answer to this? I am running into the same issue after going over the readme.

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I have the same Problem, im await for the answer.

What’s is your problem? Could you explain it wider?
I followed all steps on the package documentation, and it works fine.

Sorry Luis.
Finally, i can resolve the problem.
Thanks for you answer