How to Build a Simple CRUD Application Using Flutter and Strapi

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete (CRUD) application using Flutter and Strapi. We will call End-points provided to us by Strapi using the HTTP package in our app. We will build screens where different operations will take place, like adding/creating a new user, Retrieve User data, Updating user data, and Deleting data.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I am warning you out of kindness towards my fellow community members.

Should someone try to write a guide on Strapi with Flutter, here are some tips: Don’t skip steps, watch the typos, don’t repeat yourself (yes, we get it, main.dart is the entry point, OK? But where is main.dart?), give objects sensible names: the subject is about a “frontend” but calls itself “backend” (huh?), and make sure it works, for goodness sakes! Also make sure the code in Github is a proper Flutter project and that it works, if it is not too much to ask. How about practice doing the tutorial yourself first before unleashing it on the unsuspecting public?

I have to agree with gerritonagoodday on this one. I get it that it is often desirable to simply convey “concepts”, but beginning developers will simply be left confused. Naming a collection type “App” (is this a list of apps?) and populating it with user content (Strapi already has Users) is not a good example.

@commentsBot I’m not sure why you invited me here, I’m not the author of the article, the author is Godwin Alexander Ekainu. I’m Alexander Godwin.

Sorry Alexander, my mistake!

I don’t think you saw the videos that shows the code and application works
What issues you are having I can see is naming convention

hi, please the video “test” is done on which url ? thx

This tutorial is very good… I really don’t get the hate behind it… the tutorial clearly conveys the topic and really explained the concepts very well…
It was down-to-earth

no hate, yes its a quick demonstration of the benefit, but i guess there is some issue between flutter and v4, or i had just some beginer issue, anyway i switched on basic tutorials that fit better my case

Here’s another great guide to get you started why flutter is the future

To build a simple CRUD application using Flutter and Strapi, start by setting up a Strapi backend to manage data. Define your data models and create API endpoints for CRUD operations. In Flutter, integrate HTTP requests to fetch, create, update, and delete data from the Strapi backend. Use Flutter widgets to design the user interface and connect it with the backend functionalities. Ensure proper error handling and data validation. Leverage Flutter’s hot reload for rapid development and testing. Optimize the app’s performance and user experience. For expert assistance, consider hiring Flutter app development services for efficient and reliable solutions.