System Information
- Strapi Version: 3.6.6
- Operating System: Windows
- Database: MongoDB Atlas
- Node Version: 14.17.5
- Yarn Version: 1.22.10
Hi, I am using MongoDB Atlas with Strapi. Let’s say my database host on MongoDB Atlas is
. Then I created and named a database called strapi-mongodb
. I used it since I created the Strapi app and it worked well. I then created a collection-type named my-collection-type
However, I later changed database name to strapi-mongodb-2
, it prompted an error saying :
error CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value ":id" at path "_id" for model "my-collection-type"
Registration, Login, and opening my-collection-type
were successful :
However, when I click Add New myCollectionType
, it keeps loading and log the error like above :
Is chanigng database name only possible without changing database host? Why did I get the
error CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value ":id" at path "_id" for model "my-collection-type"
error when only changing database name without changing database host ?
Thank you.