Hi there, i’m going a little crazy over this and it’s hard for me to understand why i can’t find any good resource on the web about this. Maybe i have a completely wrong perspective and understanding about all this.
I have a collection called: houses.
I can create new Houses with doing a POST Request against
with some data like
"data": {
"uid": "",
"size": "big"
So far so good.
But now i’ve added a field to the houses collection, that’s called owner which has a many-to-one relation to a new field in the Users Collection (users_permissions_user).
How do i create houses that have the relation and adds a owner to a house? The docs say that a relations field first of all is a normal field, which would let me think that something like
"data": {
"uid": "",
"size": "big",
"owner": 1
Should work. But it just doesn’t. What am i missing here?
I appreciate any help on this.