How to Disable Deletion of Component in Dynamic Zone Content Manager

I am generating a blog with blocks generated using dynamic zones and components, and wish to make it so that components within the blocks dynamic zone are pre-set. That is to say, only admin users can determine what components appear in the dynamic zone.

I wish to assign components to a dynamic zone, but I would like to have it so that components cannot be deleted or added by a non-admin user in the content manager. The non-admin user should still be able to move the components up and down in the list. The non-admin user should also be able to edit the contents of a component inside the dynamic zone.

I am thinking of trying to achieve this by removing the delete (rubbish bin) icon in the content manager plugin, but I am unable to find how to do this for V4. I am able to create new plugins, but do not know how to edit the Content Manager plugin.

Any help would be appreciated!

same hereā€¦ got idea guys ?

at the moment if someone accidentally deletes the dynamic zone, we just provide a template for them to copy.