How to Implement Audio in a Podcast App with Strapi

Podcasts have exploded in popularity, and platforms including Google Podcasts and Spotify offer content creators a way to communicate their thoughts with listeners around the world. If you’d like to join them, you can create your own podcast app using Strapi and Nuxt.js.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I find this article exciting, ripe fruit ready to pick!

The problem I have is my audio needs to live on my 2nd favorite ISP with unlimited bandwidth, but the CMS needs to live on my 1st favorite where I can actually install the things required.

Any advice on how my RSS could reference the external host and not local files? Thanks!

Oops I did not grok Strapi. Still don’t but my question is resolved.

Implementing audio in a spotify mod podcast app with Strapi involves several steps:

1. Setting up Strapi:

  • Create a Content Type: In Strapi’s admin panel, create a new Content Type called “Podcasts” with the following fields:
    • Title (text)
    • Description (text)
    • Audio URL (URL)
    • Episode number (number) (optional)
    • Image URL (URL) (optional)
  • Populate your data: Add your podcast episodes with their titles, descriptions, audio URLs, and other relevant information.
  • Public access: Ensure the “Podcasts” collection has public read access, allowing your frontend app to fetch the data.

2. Choosing a frontend framework:

  • You can use various frontend frameworks to build your podcast app, such as React, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, or Next.js. Choose one based on your familiarity and project needs.

3. Fetching podcast data:

  • Use your chosen framework’s HTTP library to fetch podcast data from Strapi’s API. Each episode’s audio URL should be accessible from the response.

4. Implementing audio playback:

  • Use your framework’s audio library or a third-party library like react-audio-player or vue-audio-player to play the podcast audio. These libraries often offer features like pausing, seeking, and volume control.

5. Designing the user interface:

  • Design your app’s interface to display podcast information, episode list, and audio controls. You can use components provided by your framework or create custom ones.

6. Deployment:

  • Deploy your frontend app to a hosting platform like Vercel or Netlify.

Additional considerations:

  • Audio hosting: You need to host your podcast audio files somewhere accessible to your app. Consider services like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or dedicated podcast hosting platforms.
  • Authentication: If you want users to create playlists or subscribe to podcasts, you might need to implement user authentication and authorization in your Strapi backend and frontend app.
  • Performance: Optimize your app for good performance, especially regarding audio streaming and large data transfers.