How to init a new self-hosted instance of my project in another environment?

System Information
  • v4:
  • Windows Server:
  • PostgreSQL:
  • 20.9.0:
  • NPM Version:
  • Yarn Version:

I’m building a website using Nuxt3 and Strapi, all is going well, amazing in fact. BUT. I need to set up a a test environment for colleagues to perform some UAT etc.

I’ve cloned the project down onto the test server, installed PostgreSQL and prepped a blank DB, and now I want to initialise the project with a new user / db / etc…

How do I do that? Or am I missing something!? The documentation on explaining this part is lacking.

Figured it out. Nothing to see here, move along :stuck_out_tongue:

If you’re here asking the same question though, please reply to this or reach out directly.