How to route a SPA /en /en to the public folder? Strapi V3

Hello Together

I have a SPA (Vuejs with VueI18n and VueRouter) with Webpack. Everything works fine when I run the App Local in the integrated server.

Now well, if I builde the app and have only Static Files - the routing /de or /en does not work anymore. I have the Static application in the public folder of Strapi (yes I know, is actually not the purpose for that). But it would be great if someone has a pragmatic solution, because I am a bit pressed for time regarding my master thesis. :frowning:

Strapi version 3.6.8
Vue 2.6.11
Vue-i18n 8.27.1
Vue-router 3.4.3

Thanks in advance!

Load language parameters via a # so for example .html#/en