How to set media to use custom domain? (cloud)

Hello, i have set a custom domain, and that all works fine.

However, when uploading images to the media dir, the image paths are

I’d like the media to be accessible on the custom domain, is there a step or something I’ve missed?



I have this exact problem as well, and can’t seem to find how to fix this.

Same problem here. Any fix yet?

Bump - same issue here.

I’ve written with customer support about this who confirmed that it’s a problem. They said that it is due to an “upstream provider” of theirs and that “the upstream provider has no plans to upgrade this functionality”.

So my interpretation is that having media on strapi cloud + using custom domain is simply broken with no plan of fix.

Is this serious? You would expect them to allow you to customize the domain as they advertise. You can change it but not for the uploaded assets.

Then, they tell you here you can change the provider if you are not happy, but then you have to pay a second service, add more complexity, and they tell you:

The Strapi Support team will not be able to provide assistance to you on any issues that may come about during or after you use an external upload provider

Not happy