How to setup blog post comments in Strapi?

I’ve created a BlogPost collection and would like to implement a feature allowing users to comment on posts and reply to other comments. Additionally, I want authors to be able to approve/reject comments and later change the status of each comment. However, I’ve encountered issues with the Strapi-comment-plugin as it doesn’t seem to function properly. Once a comment is approved by the author, they cannot later change the comment’s status. Moreover, if there are multiple authors (A & B) and a user comments on a post by Author A, the comment can be approved by Author B or any other author. These challenges are hindering my progress, and I’m seeking recommendations for a plugin that can meet my specific requirements.

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@Hassan_WaqarButt thank you for your question. In the case of the “Strapi Comment Plugin” it is not maintained by Strapi. So for any additional feature request or bug you can comment directly on there repo GitHub - VirtusLab-Open-Source/strapi-plugin-comments: A plugin for Strapi Headless CMS that provides end to end comments feature with their moderation panel, bad words filtering, abuse reporting and more. maintained by VirtusLab.

Another approach, you can fork the plugin and modify it accordingly to fit your use case.

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