I18n strapi api call

When I make my API call with “EN” locale why child elements are in an other locale ?

For example :

  const urlParamsObject = {
    locale: currentLocale,
    populate: {
      category: {
        populate: {
          games: {
            sort: {
              id: "desc",
            fields: ["name", "slug", "thumbnail", "tags"],
            populate: {
              thumbnail: true,
              tags: true,

Why all the content is in “EN” and the child elements category, games, tags are with an other locale ?

global result :

  id: 2,
  attributes: {
    title: 'TITLE',
    intro: '.....',
    createdAt: '2024-04-23T13:21:54.078Z',
    updatedAt: '2024-04-24T12:40:48.060Z',
    publishedAt: '2024-04-23T14:28:04.150Z',
    locale: 'en', <= EN PERFECT
    category: { data: [Object] }

category :

  data: {
    id: 1,
    attributes: {
      name: 'Global',
      slug: 'global',
      intro: null,
      content: null,
      title: null,
      createdAt: '2024-04-23T14:10:16.962Z',
      updatedAt: '2024-04-24T13:02:13.379Z',
      publishedAt: '2024-04-23T14:10:17.963Z',
      locale: 'fr', <= FR HERE WHY ???
      games: [Object]

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