Inherited Strapi page. Need help finding a button

System Information
  • Strapi Version: v4.23.1:
  • NPM Version: v18.19.0:

Good day,

I inherited a page which has been designed by the marketing agency in Strapi.
We’re moving to a new agency but we need to do urgent changes before the other can take over.

The change we need to do is on a single button on the page. It links to a small popup/overlay page with a short text and an URL.
I need to change the contents of this popup.
The button is on every side and slides along when I scroll the page.

However, I can’t find the button or the small page with the text.

Inspecting the element it gave me: “MuiButton-startIcon MuiButton-iconSizeMedium css-6xugel…”

What I tried:

  • I looked in the content manager on the pages there.
  • I used the search function next to the content header searching for the text.
  • I looked into the Content-Type Builder (yes, the page is in dev mode) but I don’t understand it. It looks to me like it only defines the layout of the elements on the pages and there is no content there
  • I asked chatGPT and googled but since I don’t understand Strapi at all, I’m not sure if I was even asking the right questions.

Can someone help me out or at least point me in a direction?


Nevermind…fixed it myself.
It was hardcoded.