Internationalization plugin: not able to set locales on Content-Types

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 3.6.8
  • Operating System: macOS 10.15.7
  • Database: SQL Bookshelf (default)
  • Node Version: 12.21.0
  • NPM Version: 6.14.11
  • Yarn Version:

Hello, I am following this guide on enabling internationalization on Strapi:

I’ve enabled the plugin through the admin panel - in Settings, I can see Global Settings → Internationalization where I am able to add a French locale. However, when I navigate to Content-Types Builder → my collection type → pick a field to edit, go to Advanced Settings, I do not see a checkbox for “Enable localization for the Content-Type” (as seen in the tutorial).

Tried restarting the server and reinstalling the plugin without any success. Looking for any tips.

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Found the issue - needed to enable localization on my content type. For anyone looking, if you go to your content type, click on the pencil icon (currently a pencil on Strapi v3) and go to Advanced, there’s a checkbox there.


tnx iwas searchin 2 hour

Is there a way we can auto convert the content in specific language during runtime ???