Is it possiable to remove/hide the admin panel menus for Enterprise Edition?

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 4.20.3

I try to make a role for an user.
After the user login, how to remove/hide those menus for Enterprise Edition?
According Admin panel customization | Strapi Documentation, seems no way to custom it.

Hi jy1989

Yes, you have the option to modify a configuration setting.

In the context of using Docker, there is a configuration folder that is typically established during the image build process. You can find more details in the Strapi documentation under the Docker installation section: Strapi Docker Documentation.

Within this configuration folder, there is a file named ā€˜admin.jsā€™. Below is the relevant section of the file:

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  auth: {
    secret: env('ADMIN_JWT_SECRET'),
  apiToken: {
    salt: env('API_TOKEN_SALT'),
  transfer: {
    token: {
      salt: env('TRANSFER_TOKEN_SALT'),
  flags: {
    nps: env.bool('FLAG_NPS', true),
    promoteEE: env.bool('FLAG_PROMOTE_EE', true),

In this code, you can adjust the ā€œpromoteEEā€ flag from its default value of true to false.

promoteEE: purchase promotion for enterprise edition
nps: Net Promoter Score (customer loyalty score)
Adminpanel Config

I canā€™t say anything about other configurations which doesnā€™t use docker sadly. But in my case this flag helped.

Greetings ^^

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thank you . it is helpful for me!

Could you please tell me how to hide the admin panel left side menus? When I give ā€˜FLAG_PROMOTE_EEā€™ as false, it is hiding only locked menus. I need to hide some other menus.

if itā€™s a plugin you can remove it from node package, find something like @strapi/plugin-cloud (the deploy side menu)