Is there any way to batch modify the domain of all images?

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 4.16.2
  • Operating System: windows11 x64
  • Database: postgres
  • Node Version: v18.18.2
  • PNPM Version: 8.14.3

All of my images are stored in a cloud servicer (like Amazon S3).
Because the old domain needs to be suspended for a period of time, the image domain needs to be migrated.
I have set up a new CDN domain in the cloud to the same storage of old domain.
How should I batch modify the image domain name of the program?

Below is my try.

UPDATE public.files
SET url = REPLACE(url, '', '');

UPDATE public.files
SET formats = jsonb_set(
        WHEN formats->'large' IS NOT NULL AND formats->'large'->>'url' LIKE ''
        THEN jsonb_set(formats->'large', '{url}', ('"' || replace(formats->'large'->>'url', '', '') || '"')::jsonb)
        ELSE formats->'large'
WHERE formats->'large' IS NOT NULL AND formats->'large'->>'url' LIKE '';

UPDATE public.files
SET formats = jsonb_set(
        WHEN formats->'thumbnail' IS NOT NULL AND formats->'thumbnail'->>'url' LIKE ''
        THEN jsonb_set(formats->'thumbnail', '{url}', ('"' || replace(formats->'thumbnail'->>'url', '', '') || '"')::jsonb)
        ELSE formats->'thumbnail'
WHERE formats->'thumbnail' IS NOT NULL AND formats->'thumbnail'->>'url' LIKE '';

UPDATE public.files
SET formats = jsonb_set(
        WHEN formats->'medium' IS NOT NULL AND formats->'medium'->>'url' LIKE ''
        THEN jsonb_set(formats->'medium', '{url}', ('"' || replace(formats->'medium'->>'url', '', '') || '"')::jsonb)
        ELSE formats->'medium'
WHERE formats->'medium' IS NOT NULL AND formats->'medium'->>'url' LIKE '';

UPDATE public.files
SET formats = jsonb_set(
        WHEN formats->'small' IS NOT NULL AND formats->'small'->>'url' LIKE ''
        THEN jsonb_set(formats->'small', '{url}', ('"' || replace(formats->'small'->>'url', '', '') || '"')::jsonb)
        ELSE formats->'small'
WHERE formats->'small' IS NOT NULL AND formats->'small'->>'url' LIKE '';

When I restarted the program, the management panel pictures displayed errors. I checked the cloud storage and found that the pictures had been deleted.
I stopped the program urgently, and eventually 1/2 of pictures were deleted.
I don’t know what happened. :melting_face: