Issue regarding engine "node"

System Information
  • Strapi Version: v4
  • Operating System: macOS
  • Database: SQLite
  • Node Version: 18.1.0
  • NPM Version: 8.8.0
  • Yarn Version: 1.22.18

yarn develop
yarn run v1.22.18
warning …/…/…/package.json: No license field
error myshop@0.1.0: The engine “node” is incompatible with this module. Expected version “>=12.x.x <=16.x.x”. Got “18.1.0”
error Commands cannot run with an incompatible environment.
info Visit yarn run | Yarn for documentation about this command.

Please guide me to resolve this issue.

You need to install older version of Node js, you go v18.1.0 and you need older or equal than 16.x.x

You can download 16.15.0 for mac os here: