Spent ages figuring this out so I thought I’d post here for future Googlers.
I am making a blog and I have categories and articles, both having a “content” dynamic zone. When fetching a single category, I was getting huge data from all the articles, since their content is quite long. In reality, I only need the most recent 6 or so, and I can fetch more later by querying articles.
autoPopulate seems to not work properly for dynamic zones. I could just not populate the articles of a category at all, but it seems a bit silly. In the end, I figured out the way to only populate the first 6 most recent articles without their content:
// services/category.js
module.exports = {
find(params, populate) {
return strapi
.find(params, [/* any category fields you DO want to populate when listing many categories*/]);
async findOne(params, populate) {
const model = await strapi.query("category").model;
const filters = convertRestQueryParams({ ...params, _limit: 1 });
const query = buildQuery({ model, filters });
return model
withRelated: [
articles: (qb) => {
qb.orderBy("published_at", "desc").limit(6);
"articles.image", //this works
/* any other fields you do want to populate*/
.then((results) => results.toJSON()[0] ?? null);
I also set autoPopulate: false
for articles in the categories model settings.