System Information
- Strapi Version: 4.16.2
- Operating System: MacOS for development, deployed in Jelastic Cloud
- Database: Postgres
- Node Version: v18.16.1
- NPM Version: 9.5.1
- Yarn Version: -
I’m struggling a bit with the fact that when you switch language on an entry in the content editor, Strapi creates a new record with a new ID. For stuff like blog posts and such, this is not a big deal. But I created a booking system in Strapi, where users can rent stuff. The “Rental” entries now have different IDs in each language. This makes the system pretty much worthless, as when a user in English wants to check the availability on a rental object, it will not see if the same rental object has been reserved in another language (as it will have a different ID in this language)…
Will I need to split this up in a “Rental” entry and a “RentalDescription” entry? If so, what is the best way to make sure that there is only 1 RentalDescription per Rental and language? On the DB level, I could work with combined foreign keys and such… but in Strapi?
I’m sure I’m missing something obvious as I cannot believe that I’m the first one in this situation. So any pointers are warmly appreciated.