Media library folders beta is live

I’m in same direction in my project. For now I manage folders as a content type with its own Access Control List. This ACL is a bit complex, because I have groups of users (assigned by admin), teams (assigned by users theirselves), and shared folders, all with read/write/admin rights granularity.
I don’t expect that media folders can cover or replace my needs in terms of ACL but it could be expect that basic ACL functionality will be demanded.

And how does it work with Cloudinary?

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@Erik Thanks for describing your usecase. Right now this is not possible with the media library and it is not planned for the near future. However, we have added it to our internal list of ideas to iterate on.

If you want to create some visibility in the community I encourage you to open a feature request: (same for permissons @msoler75).

@LuisAlaguna Since folders only exist programmatically in the database and are not reflected through providers, everything will work as it does currently for cloudinary. If you believe Strapi should start reflecting folders at the provider level (cloudinary, S3 …) I recommend to open a feature request on

It would be good if the folders are also applied to Cloudinary, as it is possible by its API to create folders.

We discussed that at the beginning, but the problem is that each provider has a very different understanding of folders + different concepts for permissions connected to that. This becomes difficult to deal with, if you want to e.g. implement a moveFile function for a provider. In addition once the folder path is part of the asset URL (I’m not sure this is the case for Cloudinary), your file-paths in the frontend might break easily if e.g. a folder is moved somewhere else.

I encourage you to open a feature request at explaining your use-case. Requests on that board will be taken into account once we iterate on a feature.

Very desired feature, thanks


Thanks for this great feature! I’ve already updated to v4.3.2, but I just can’t seem to find this feature (or the button to add a new folder in the Media Library).

Are there any sort of migration steps that need to be done?

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We’ve finished the work on a breadcrumb navigation. You can find more information here:

This will be released as part of 4.3.3 next week.

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Could you please try to re-build the admin UI? You may have to delete existing build or .cache folders before.

Amazing this is perfect, thanks @gustavpursche :)) can’t wait

The media folders addition is fantastically useful. Is there a similar method of organizing Single and/or Collection types by folder? Or is the admin interface limited (out of the box) to a one-level system of organising page/collection types? Many thanks in advance!

Great addition. Helps ALOT keeping files organized.
Can we please have the folder API exposed to the docs?


why would it be required?

A feature request for this has already been opened: Support for media folders in the content API | Voters | Strapi Please make sure to explain your use-case there and to upvote the feature. This will help the product team to make better decisions, once it has enough traction/ validation.

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A few users already opened a feature request for that: Ordering Content Type entries in the List view | Content Editing XP | Strapi You can follow the progress and the discussion there.

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Thanks very much Gustav. Appreciate you pointing me to that request.

@gustavpursche thx I upvoted the feature request and added the following rationale:
I would expect the public api to have the same abilities for the media library as the strapi admin interface does. This allows developers of websites to create a full features media browser/library with folders.

Related to this thread there is this pull request for Cloudinary: as It is very popular in new comers and startups, some developers could have many different projects linked to the same account, ordering all media content by project name/folder could ve a very useful feature.

What do you think?
