Migrating from Wordpress to Strapi. How it affects SEO?

Hey guys!

I’m moving a website from Wordpress to Strapi, the new website will be built using Next.js. Main concerns as of today are related to SEO – traffic behavior. Most of the articles out there say that I should take care of redirects – but it makes sense only if I’m changing the domain, right? I don’t plan to change URLs (but new pages will appear).

Any thoughts/advice?

Hey Strapi community, any thoughts on the question above?

Great choice in migrating to Strapi with Next.js! Concerns about SEO during migration are valid. While changing domains typically requires redirects, keeping the URLs consistent is a good start.

However, don’t forget to ensure that the content structure and meta tags remain intact. Plus, submit an updated sitemap to Google Search Console and monitor crawl errors and indexing status.
For more insights, this LinkedIn post by Gerrid Smith could offer valuable tips: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gerrid-smith-1259622_activity-7138406786906103808-vn6g/. It’s always good to explore different perspectives on SEO.

As mentioned above, SEO is something to consider when migrating, but I’m going to give you a small checklist so you consider the most important aspects

  1. Keep track of all the URLs that may change during the migration (This is important so you can create redirections for those, I will suggest using NextJS Redirections)
    a. Create a redirection for each content type to its migrated strapi page
    b. If a content type will not be migrated or will stop existing, redirect it to a home page or landing page
    c. The most important thing is that the user never gets a 404
    d. I recommend you using something like Screaming Frog

  2. Generate a proper sitemap and send it to Google Search Console, so bots can find and update the references

  3. Make sure your meta tags keep consistent when migrating, you can access the Facebook developer debugger for Open Graph

  4. Make sure to choose the right rendering strategy for your project, if you have more than 10000 entries I will suggest using SSR

Let me know if this tips help you, and welcome to the community :smiley:

Migrating from WordPress to Strapi can affect your SEO, but it doesn’t have to be a disaster. Strapi’s pretty flexible, so you can set things up in a way that keeps your SEO in good shape.

You’ll want to ensure that all your old URLs are correctly redirected to the new ones, or you could lose some of that SEO juice you’ve built up. Also, check that your new site has all the essential SEO elements like meta tags, alt texts for images, and a solid sitemap. It might be worth chatting with an SEO expert if you need more confidence about handling these details. They can help ensure the transition goes smoothly and your search rankings stay strong.