Hello everyone!
It’s been two amazing weeks for documentation at Strapi!
Here’s everything new in this week’s documentation deployment:
- Both the developer documentation and user guide have been updated for the release of the new Internationalization (i18n) plugin!
- Developer documentation: addition of a new i18n plugin page documenting the usage with the Content API and the GraphQL plugin.
- User guide: addition of a new “List of Strapi plugins” page acting as a guide to all new i18n options and settings available in the admin panel.
- A deployment guide to DigitalOcean App platform is now available, in addition to the existing guide for DigitalOcean droplets. Thank you to Chris Sev for this contribution!
- Improvement of the developer documentation’s table of content with dedicated links for installation, deployment and integration guides, and plugins.
- Update of the PHP integration guide: examples to add a JWT token and send an authenticated POST request. Thank you to barbareshet for this contribution!
- Various content improvements & typos fixes:
- Admin customization - Thank you needleshaped!
- Migration guide to v3.0.0 - Thank you sofiacoder3000!
- Backend customization - Thank you borisflesch, arps18 and Pierre Noël!