Hello everyone! Here’s everything new in this week’s documentation deployment:
- The Quick Start guide has been completely rewritten! We imagined 2 different paths to meet the various needs and profiles of Strapi users: “Starters” for those who want to use Strapi starters to focus more on content, and “Hands-on” for those who prefer to start a project from scratch
- The installation guides have also been rewritten for more clarity. Note that starting from the release of Strapi v4 this year, the Strapi documentation team will stop maintaining the one-click installation guides. They will of course remain accessible — the team will keep you updated on that topic.
Various content improvements & typos fixes:
- MongoDB on M1-based Mac - Thank you Florian-crg!
- Unit testing guide - Thank you jldmn and maugsbur!
- Strapi upload provider in the DigitalOcean App Platform deployment guide - Thank you VitalikMelnyk!
- Missing lightbulb in a tip - Thank you Josh Kaiser!
- JWT expiry configuration - Thank you kevinadhiguna!
- Backend customization - Thank you alxnkt!