New Documentation release: Strapi v4.2.2

Hello everyone! :wave:

This week’s deployment is all about improvements and additions:

Improvements with the help of the community :sparkles:

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Great job guys, thanks all for the hard work.

I’m curious about the stable release of Typescript implementation of strapi. Will it be available a documentation or a tool about converting current strapi v4 (in JS) to use and get advantages of TS?

Thanks for your kind words @b3nab. :hugs:
If I’m not mistaken, fully converting an existing vanilla-JS project to TypeScript is outside of the scope of the initial stable TypeScript release. But we’ll have some kind of tooling, especially with a CLI command that will generate TypeScript typings based on model schemas.
This will be documented in the next documentation iterations, and you can track the progress on this pull request.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

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thank you very much for your work!
We migrated our CMS to Strapi and we do not regret our choice.
Long life to Strapi !

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Thank you very much for the kind words @nicolas_chauviere :hugs: