New Strapi Update: Feature Flags & Enhanced Content Blocks | Strapi CMS

We've got some exciting updates to share with you in our latest release.

First up, Feature Flags! Think of these like your own secret switches. Want to try out a new feature without committing fully? Flip a switch aka. update your config/features.js/ts!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thanks for the updates Niklas. Much appreciated.
If I could put in a feature request it would be very welcome if any links to resources (e.g. strapi 5 or release notes in this particular case) would open in a new tab. I find myself navigating back and forth all the time, and I’m the kind of guy that opens links while reading, and gets to the links when the story is done.
If not, also cool, then I just need to keep my open-link-in-new-tab-hotkey ready.