New strapi user and having issues with getting images to display

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 4.9.2
  • Operating System: React/Axios front end.
  • Database: N/A
  • Node Version: 18.15.0
  • NPM Version: 9.5.0
  • Yarn Version: N/A

Hi, I am trying to use Strapi to add a blog to a website I am building but I am having issues getting my pictures to display. My project is built with React and I am using Axios for the API. Currently my code displays the text, the image alts(Or a broken image link if I don’t have an alt), and titles to the posts. The issue is I can not get the images to display at all. The URL does show in the response from insomnia and console.log displays the rest of the data fine, and “preview unavailable” if you hover over the image url. I have read all the docs, and assume I am not using the populate parameter correctly, but would love to get some advice if someone has time to chime in. I used v3 Strapi a small amount but still fairly new to programming overall.

Here is my code.

import axios from 'axios';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

export default function Blog(){
  const [error, setError] = useState(null);
  const [response, setResponse] = useState([]);

  useEffect(() => {
      .then(({ data }) => {
        setResponse({ id, attributes }) => 
          ({ id, 
            text: attributes.text, 
            richtext: attributes.richtext, 
      .catch((error) => {
  }, []);

  if (error) {
    // Print errors if any
    return <div>An error occurred: {error.message}</div>;

  return (
    <div className="App">
      {response.length > 0 ? (
          {{ id, text, richtext, media}) => {
            console.log(response); // Log media object for debugging
            const imageUrl =[0].attributes.url; // Get URL of the first media object
            const imageAlt =[0].attributes.alternativeText; //Gets image alt
            return (
              <div key={id}>
                <img src={imageUrl} alt={imageAlt} style={
                  {maxWidth:"100%", height: "auto"}}/> 
      ) : (

This is what I get back from insomnia.

	"data": [
			"id": 1,
			"attributes": {
				"text": "Blog post one",
				"richtext": "post 1",
				"createdAt": "2023-04-25T14:33:39.587Z",
				"updatedAt": "2023-04-28T18:46:45.944Z",
				"publishedAt": "2023-04-25T14:39:49.619Z",
				"media": {
					"data": [
							"id": 5,
							"attributes": {
								"name": "IMG_0036.JPG",
								"alternativeText": "alt",
								"caption": "knife",
								"width": 4032,
								"height": 3024,
								"formats": {
									"thumbnail": {
										"name": "thumbnail_IMG_0036.JPG",
										"hash": "thumbnail_IMG_0036_28881df466",
										"ext": ".JPG",
										"mime": "image/jpeg",
										"path": null,
										"width": 208,
										"height": 156,
										"size": 10.89,
										"url": "/uploads/thumbnail_IMG_0036_28881df466.JPG"
									"small": {
										"name": "small_IMG_0036.JPG",
										"hash": "small_IMG_0036_28881df466",
										"ext": ".JPG",
										"mime": "image/jpeg",
										"path": null,
										"width": 500,
										"height": 375,
										"size": 69.41,
										"url": "/uploads/small_IMG_0036_28881df466.JPG"
									"medium": {
										"name": "medium_IMG_0036.JPG",
										"hash": "medium_IMG_0036_28881df466",
										"ext": ".JPG",
										"mime": "image/jpeg",
										"path": null,
										"width": 750,
										"height": 563,
										"size": 155.94,
										"url": "/uploads/medium_IMG_0036_28881df466.JPG"
									"large": {
										"name": "large_IMG_0036.JPG",
										"hash": "large_IMG_0036_28881df466",
										"ext": ".JPG",
										"mime": "image/jpeg",
										"path": null,
										"width": 1000,
										"height": 750,
										"size": 282.73,
										"url": "/uploads/large_IMG_0036_28881df466.JPG"
								"hash": "IMG_0036_28881df466",
								"ext": ".JPG",
								"mime": "image/jpeg",
								"size": 3137.9,
								"url": "/uploads/IMG_0036_28881df466.JPG",
								"previewUrl": null,
								"provider": "local",
								"provider_metadata": null,
								"createdAt": "2023-04-28T18:21:55.209Z",
								"updatedAt": "2023-04-28T18:33:40.296Z"
	"meta": {
		"pagination": {
			"page": 1,
			"pageSize": 25,
			"pageCount": 1,
			"total": 1

Thanks for the help!

const imageUrl =[0].attributes.url; // Get URL of the first media object
const imageAlt =[0].attributes.alternativeText;

You need to prepend your strapi url

const imageUrl = `http://localhost:1337/${[0].attributes.url; // Get URL of the first media object}`
const imageAlt =[0].attributes.alternativeText;
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Paul is 100% correct here. However, I would use an environmental variable in place of a string directly in your const for the imageUrl.

This environmental variable should be your Strapi URL either locally, in staging, or in production.

The output for your JSON will be the full image path if you use a third party image provider.


Thank you both! I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out! I will give those a shot!

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That fixed it! Thank you so much!

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Yes, that would be even more “righter” way of doing it. :slightly_smiling_face:


bro im getting error on image:undefined

pls help

bro i’m getting error on image:UNDEFIND