Not calling custom controller action shows Method not allowed

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Have added sendEmails action

module.exports = createCoreController(
  ({ strapi }) => ({

    async sendEmails(ctx) {
      console.log("Came inside");
      try {
        const options = ctx.request.body;
        const user = ctx.state.user;
        if (!user) {
          return ctx.badRequest(null, [
            { messages: [{ id: "No authorization header was found" }] },

        //Send email to the user
        await strapi.plugins["email"]{
          from: options.from,
          subject: options.subject,
          text: options.text,
          html: options.html,

       return ctx.send({
          success: true,
          message: "Email sent successfully",
      } catch (err) {
        ctx.body = err;
        return ctx.send(err);

Calling it below:

const { createCoreRouter } = require("@strapi/strapi").factories;

const defaultRouter = createCoreRouter("api::application.application");

const customRouter = (innerRouter, extraRoutes = []) => {
  let routes;
  return {
    get prefix() {
      return innerRouter.prefix;
    get routes() {
      if (!routes) routes = innerRouter.routes.concat(extraRoutes);
      return routes;

const myExtraRoutes = [
    method: "GET",
    path: "/application-details",
    method: "POST",
    path: "/application-send-emails",
    handler: "api::application.application.sendEmails",

module.exports = customRouter(defaultRouter, myExtraRoutes);

Error i get:

Hey again Vini,

Check the URL in your postman, you haven’t added /api with the url. The URL should be http://localhost:1337/api/application-send-email

Oh man yes!