Nuxt apollo broken with new GraphQl schema

After updating to Strapi V4, i keep getting “Missing query attribute on result” from nuxt-apollo.
Query is:

  data() {
    return {
      baseProducts: {},//also tried doing it as [] and baseProducts: {data: []}, but no change at all
  apollo: {
    query: gql`
      query baseProducts {
        baseProducts {
          data {
    prefetch: true,

Am i only one to have such troubles?

Hey Akambe, welcome to the Strapi forum & thanks for posting your question.

The error message “Missing query attribute on result” typically indicates that the Apollo response is missing the expected data attribute.

Have you experimented with playground to get the required data out?
nuxt-apollo does not explicitly require you to define the return value, and in my experience the vue/apollo-composable is easier to work with and has some great features.

      query baseProducts {
        baseProducts {
          data {

const { loading, onResult } = useQuery(BASE_PRODUCT_QUERY)

onResult( ({ data }) ) => {
    const result = => true)
    if (data && result) {
        ... do something