Nuxt with graph ql

Hi all, Just started today working with strapi. I am following this post. I am doing exacly what it says, except I didn’t install the UIkit because I want to go with css only. In the part where you create the first article and then go to http://localhost:1337/graphql i end up with not found! But in my package.json graphql and apollo are there and also in my nuxt config… Am I missing something here? Thank you

Can you stop the Strapi server and run either npm i or yarn to ensure the graphql package is installed, then rerun either npm run build or yarn build. Then finally restart the server (make sure you use either npm run develop or yarn develop)

Hi, thanks for the answer.
The problem was my lack of knowledge of graphql :). All working now… I think I will be in touch :grinning: Thanks again

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