One to many relation and cross permissions


I have two collections, workshops and registereds. A relation field has been added to the workshop collection: a workshop belongs to registereds.

Now, permission are: workshops can be found publicly, but not the registereds. The registereds endpoint correctly shows the forbiden message, but registereds appear through the workshops endpoint, which I don’t want to since there are email information. And since this is not allowed I am wondering why they are shown.

How can I prevent the registereds to be listed at the workshops endpoint?


Within your ./api/workshop/models/workshop.settings.json file you can set the autoPopulate option to false under the relation field.

Thanks, it works perfectly. Now, would it be possible to get the relation field when having the proper permissions?

Not currently no, that’s something that would require a custom controller to handle (checking the ctx.state.user and sending a different populate array to the service.)

Ok, that would have reduced the number of queries when admin, but not as important as having emails in clear.

I guess that the graphQL plugin will have the same behavior?