Override values of attribute with GraphQL Resolver


My goal is to have a middleware that converts a string holding a Handlebars template into a rendered template.

Lets say I have a collection called Houses. This collection holds a name, an address, a price attribute as well as a description attribute that is a relation to another collection called description template.

Description template collection has a an attribute name and another called template. The template attribute will hold a handlebars template like so:

The address and price placeholders are referring to the Houses collection attributes.

What I’m trying to do is when I query houses, I want the description field to be set to rendered templates:
House (address: “3rd street”, price: “10000”, name: “blue house”)
Description Template(name: “foo”, template: “The house located at {{address}} costs {{price}}.”)

Query {
 houses {
  data {
   attributes: {
      description {
        attributes { template }


houses {
  data {
   attributes: {
      description {
        data {
          attributes { template: The house located on 3rd treet costs 10000. }

Ideally I want my middleware to look something like that:

register({ strapi }) {
    const extensionService = strapi.plugin("graphql").service("extension");

      resolversConfig: {
        "Query.descriptionTemplate": {
          middlewares: [
            async (next, parent, args, context, info) => {
				const { template } = descriptionTempalate; // No idea how to access this data
              return {
					template: Handlebars.compile(template)(parent); // parent is the house object holding the address and price attributes that will be used to fill up the template place holders

Here are my issues:

  1. Query.descriptionTemplate middleware are only triggered when descriptionTemplate is queried at the higher level of the Query. If it’s a nested field aka a relation of a collection, the middleware is not triggered
  2. How can I access the template attribute of the description collection from within the middleware.

Thank you for your help

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