Plugin addFields() overwriting different component

Hey everybody! I’ve been stuck with this error for the last few days and I don’t know how to solve it. I created a plugin to access tags from another page via endpoint. The way the tags work is by displaying them in checkboxes. Thing is that I created a new component to access this endpoint and display all the JSON data and it was working just fine. But I had to retrieve tags from another page so I created a new plugin with the same logic. Now the issue I’m having is that every time I use the addFields() function it overwrites the info from the checkboxes for the other plugin. Does anyone knows how to solve this? Or has an idea on how I should access this components in order to show them separately?

In the last photo can be seen how the tags from one of the endpoints are being used inn both plugins instead of each separately. Any idea on how to solve it would be most appreciated!!

…for one of the plugins
export default {
register(app) {
app.addFields({ type: ‘json’, Component: TagSelect });
id: pluginId,
initializer: Initializer,
isReady: false,

… for the other plugin
export default {
register(app) {
app.addFields({ type: ‘json’, Component: TagSelect });
id: pluginId,
initializer: Initializer,
isReady: false,