Plugin middleware setup in typescript

Hey, Kapa is dead :frowning_with_open_mouth:
I’m trying to add a global middleware to my plugin in typescript but I can’t manage to set it up. I receive 404 response on all requests and console.log('Middleware'); (see under) is never logged

My middleware in src/plugins/myplugin/server/middlewares/redirect.ts

export default () => async (ctx, next) => {
    await next();

I registered it in `src/plugins/myplugin/server/register.ts``


And I also added it to my config/middleware.ts file since it is a global middleware.

export default [

Did I miss something ?
I did not find any documentation for writing middlewares in typescript, nor any example in existing plugins. :grimacing:

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Documentation at Server API for plugins | Strapi Documentation says :

(in js)

'use strict';
module.exports = async (ctx, next) => {
  console.log("your custom logic")
  await next();

So I tried to update mine to :

export default async (ctx, next) => {
    await next();

But I get an error β€œmiddleware must be a function”

Something fishy here

I just found the fix. I’ll post it shortly

yep i’m firing issue but not sure do they ned a doc change or it’s a code

Did you just tested it ?

And think it’s a issue ?

Ok, thanks

Firstly, there was no issue with the config/middleware.ts. The problem was in the plugin.

This does not work:

const redirect = async (ctx: any, next: any) => {
  await next();
export default redirect;


import redirect from './redirect';

export default {


import { Strapi } from '@strapi/strapi';
import middleware from './middlewares';

console.log(middleware.redirect) //This is undefined
export default ({ strapi }: { strapi: Strapi }) => {
  strapi.server.use(middleware.redirect); //registration fails

middleware.redirect is undefined, registration fails.

However, this is functional:

import { Strapi } from '@strapi/strapi';

export default ({ strapi }: { strapi: Strapi }) => {
  strapi.server.use(async (ctx: any, next: any) => {
    await next();

The way I found, which I don’t know why (or more exactly, I don’t understand why the other way does not work):


const redirect = () => async (ctx: any, next: any) => { //Redirect is now a function that returns the middleware.
  await next();
export default redirect;


import redirect from './redirect';

export default {


import { Strapi } from '@strapi/strapi';
import middleware from './middlewares';

console.log(middleware.redirect()) //This is not undefined anymore
export default ({ strapi }: { strapi: Strapi }) => {
  strapi.server.use(middleware.redirect()); //I call the function that returns my middleware and that works.

Does someone with dark magic experience give an explanation ? :slightly_smiling_face:

PS: If you are reading this to understand how to create your global middleware in typescript, don’t forget to add it to the /config/middleware.ts file !