System Information
- Strapi Version: v4.0.2
- Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
- Database: PostgreSQL 14
- Node Version: v16.13.1
- NPM Version: 8.1.2
- Yarn Version: 1.22.17
Hello there,
I’ve opened an issue for this error, but ticket were closed, asking me to post here because “not really a bug report” (?!)
This is the problem: with a Strapi fresh install that I’m trying to connect to a remote PostgreSQL database, server fail to start with this error:
[2021-12-31 13:16:32.632] debug: no_entry Server wasn’t able to start properly.
[2021-12-31 13:16:32.633] error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host “”, user “avnadmin”, database “defaultdb”, no encryption
error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host “109.190.xxxx.xxxx”, user “avnadmin”, database “defaultdb”, no encryption
at Parser.parseErrorMessage (/home/my/app/path/my-strapi/node_modules/pg-protocol/dist/parser.js:287:98)
at Parser.handlePacket (/home/my/app/path/my-strapi/node_modules/pg-protocol/dist/parser.js:126:29)
at Parser.parse (/home/my/app/path/my-strapi/node_modules/pg-protocol/dist/parser.js:39:38)
at Socket. (/home/my/app/path/my-strapi/node_modules/pg-protocol/dist/index.js:11:42)
at Socket.emit (node:events:390:28)
at Socket.emit (node:domain:475:12)
at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:315:12)
at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:289:9)
at Socket.Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:228:10)
at TCP.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:199:23)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit yarn run | Yarn for documentation about this command.
Steps to reproduce the behavior
1- Use yarn command for setup, without --quickstart option
2- Choose custom (manual settings)
3- select postgres
4- enter db parameters (dbname, host, port, username, password)
5- select No for “Enable SSL connection”
6- launch the app with “yarn develop” command
A workaround is modifying the databases.js file, like I saw somewhere on the net:
Replace the line
ssl: env.bool('DATABASE_SSL', false),
ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: env.bool('DATABASE_SSL_SELF', false), },
So, is it a bug or not ?