Problem with the validation of the registration

System Information
  • **Strapi Version : 3.3.3:
  • **Database : sqlite:

Hello … maybe with the latest version 3.3.3, I have a problem with the validation of the registration, when you click on the link:
{“statusCode”:400,“error”:“Bad Request”,“message”:“Your filters contain a field ‘confirmationToken’ that doesn’t appear on your model definition nor it’s relations”}
the confirmation link worked very well before.

This was due to a change in Strapi during an upgrade that required manual intervention (editing a file) during the migration process. Specifically from version 3.2.3 to 3.2.4 BUT be aware that this issue will be present if you upgraded from 3.2.3 or earlier to newer versions, even if that was several upgrades. We had this issue but didn’t use register user process until quite late & had missed the migration step. Once we went in and did the changes, the problem went away.

See this article on the migration process:

The relevant piece:
To fix a security issue, we have added a confirmationToken attribute in the User model. If you have extended the model in any way, you will need to add the new attribute to the model in ./extensions/users-permissions/models/User.settings.json following this example:


  "attributes": {


  "attributes": {
    "confirmationToken": {
      "type": "string",
      "configurable": false,
      "private": true

This fixed it for us. HTH

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