Relation is empty on POST

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I cannot populate my relation field. I have given it a good go to try to get it to work and have read most of the q&a on the forum and the documentation. To highlight the issue. I have two tables:
question: with a text field q and a relation: answer that has a 1 to 1 relationship to the table answer.
answer: has a text field called a

To keep it simple I am using POSTman with the following:

each variation does not populate the relation field
        "q": "this answer is b",
        "answers": "b"

        "q": "this answer is b",
        "answers": {"a":"b"}

        "q": "this answer is b",
        "answers": [{"a":"b"}]

        "q": "this answer is b",
        "a": "b"

I have given it a lot of time to try to get this to work, but I have to ask for help on this sorry.

A friend had pointed out I need to update the id field, not the ‘display’ field.

        "q": "this answer is a",
        "answers": 1

I have a row in the answer table with id = 1 and a = “a”
But the relation field remains empty.

I got it to work. I needed to include the populate in the POST

        "q": "this answer is c",
        "answer": 1

Dude, I’m from Brazil, I created an account just to thank you, you deserve all the best in your life. Abraços, TE AMO