Reset Password does not check if email is valid

I just setup reset password on a club site (self registration is disabled).

When I tested it with fake email address, I got response 200, {“ok”:true}.

What is happening? Is email sent? What could receiver do with link?

Do I have to create custom endpoint to check first if email is valid?

If this is intended behaviour, can it be added to Docs.

I can’t be 100% confident on why Strapi has done this but this is undoubtedly a standard behaviour of most systems to say the forgot password email has been sent.


  • It reduces security vulnerabilities as it doesn’t confirm a user’s email address exists. Otherwise, bots can brute force the forgot password endpoint to try to find valid user accounts and then brute force passwords.
  • It reduces privacy, some people would not like websites to confirm a user exists on their website.

Is email sent?

If the email address doesn’t exist, no email is sent.

Do I have to create custom endpoint to check first if email is valid?

Do don’t that, for the reasons above.