RestAPI Category Relation Fetch Issue

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 5.0.4
  • Operating System:
  • Database: Postgres V.16 on AWS EC2 running AWS Linux 2023
  • Node Version: 22.9
  • PNPM Version: 9.7
  • Yarn Version:

I am attempting to create a Table of Contents component on my website, where the content is organized by Category. I have gone through the Strapi docs to create a Category many to many relation to my Content Type. I have also read the documentation for creating the RestAPI Query String. Unfortunately, nothing I do returns the Category with the associated Content. My original query, using the Interactive Query Builder, is api/guides?fields[0]=title&fields[1]=slug&fields[2]=excerpt&populate[0]=categories

I have even run api/guides?populate=* to check if the Category was even connected to the Content and there is no Category returned with the Fetch All. I have tried every combination of queries. I have deleted and reconfigured the Category and Relation to the Content Type. I have also checked the database tables to make sure there is a connection between the content and the category in the database, which there is.

I have spent three days trying to fix this with no progress being made, besides ruling more stuff out. If anyone has experienced a similar issue, or if there are any recommended ways of solving this, I would greatly appreciate any guidance or feedback.

Thank you in advance for your time.
