Rich Text Render

Hello Everyone I am using strapi rich text for my blog site with Nextjs 13 appdir the problem I am facing is

I tried using many markdown renderers but couldn’t render my content correct like rich content bullet points are not being render properly underline tags and quote tags are not being rendered properly what should I do kindly tell me how to render markdown correctly in Nextjs 13 appdir

right now I am using react markdown but you can suggest any other it that works correctly

Is there any answer here? What’s the correct way to render rich text (blocks) in react? Thanks

any updates on that?
I’m currently trying to use react-markdown library as well,
but it’s rendering nothing.
Plus, no errors are being displayed, so I fell totally lost.


Nevermind. I was getting a null value because I forgot to add application/json inside my fetch request.

headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',

Now, <Markdown> {att.attributes.texto} </Markdown> works perfectly.