Set Upload File Size Limit, but Results are Unexpected

I set the upload.config.sizeLimit in the ‘config/plugins’ directory as follows:

  upload: {
    config: {
      breakpoints: {
        xxlarge: 2000,
        xlarge: 1500,
        large: 1000,
        medium: 750,
        small: 500,
      sizeLimit: 500 * 1024 // 500kb

In my localhost testing, files under 500 KB can be uploaded successfully, while larger files are correctly blocked.

However, after deploying to live, some images that are exactly 500 KB are being blocked.

I would like to know if anyone else has encountered this issue and how to resolve it.

Thank you all!

Greetings @joe.chen .

Did you get any solution on this. I am also facing the same issue. When I try to upload images of >4000px , its breaking in frontend.