Sh: 1: strapi: Permission denied

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 4.12.1
  • Operating System: Obsidian Plesk
  • Database:
  • Node Version: >=16.0.0 <=20.x.x
  • NPM Version: >=6.0.0
  • Yarn Version: none

Hi, first time i post a topic so im not sure i did everything correctly.
I am trying to deploy my Strapi Project on a Plesk Obsidian Server and everything seems to have be ok but when i try to npm run start or npm run build i get an error:

sh: 1: strapi: Permission denied

i tried adding --user 0 --unsafe-perm true but didnt work, tried creating an .npmrc file
with --unsafe-perm true but still didnt work.

How to fix it

Are you using docker by any chance ? If so how does your docker file look like