Single type ts error

I created a single type called hero-section

When I call http://localhost:1337/api/hero-section?populate=* I get the response what I expect.

	"data": {
		"id": 1,
		"attributes": {
			"Hero_text": {
				"id": 1,
				"Title": "Test title",
				"Content": "Test content"
			"Hero_button": {
				"id": 1,
				"Title": "button title",
				"Link": null
	"meta": {}

My nuxt component is this

<script setup lang="ts">
  import Hero from '../types/Hero'

  const { find } = useStrapi()
  const config = useRuntimeConfig()
  const hero = await find<Hero>('hero-section', { populate: '*' })
  const urlBg = `url("${config.public.strapi.url}/uploads/bg.png")`

    {{ }}
    {{ }}

I get the correct data here, but the attributes part of the variable is marked red by vscode with this error: Property 'attributes' does not exist on type 'Strapi4ResponseData<Hero>[]'.ts(2339)

How do I fix this?

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How does your Hero type look like ? Because technically it’s not a hero type it’s a DATA (Or whatever you want to call the generic response) type so something like this ?

interface Data<T> {
  data: {
    id: number;
    attributes: T;
  meta: Record<string, unknown>;

interface Hero {
  Hero_text: {
    id: number;
    Title: string;
    Content: string;
  Hero_button: {
    id: number;
    Title: string;
    Link: string | null;

const myData: Data<Hero> = {
  data: {
    id: 1,
    attributes: {
      Hero_text: {
        id: 1,
        Title: "Test title",
        Content: "Test content",
      Hero_button: {
        id: 1,
        Title: "button title",
        Link: null,
  meta: {},

Hope this helps :pancakes:

The Hero type definition is his

type Hero = {
  data: {
    id: number
    attributes: {
      Hero_text: { id: number; Title: string; Content: string }
      Hero_button: { id: number; Title: string; Link: string }
      Hero_image?: { data: { url: string } }
export default Hero

I am still new to typescript, so generics still confuses me.

Your type also gave me the same error.

So to try explain it the “data” interface I created has a Hero one containing what is part of the Hero.
The response you get back contains, data with attributes. Which is NOT Hero :slight_smile:
The const myData is not needed btw also you need to export the interface

export interface Hero
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For future reference,

You using the ‘find’ function, which returns an ARRAY type Strapi4ResponseData.

As you stated you need to get a single type, you can use findOne, which returns type of Strapi4ResponseData, where data.attributes is defined