Strapi 4.6 import Fatal Error with Docker Volume

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 4.6
  • Operating System: Docker Node 18 alpine
  • Database: Postgres
  • Node Version: 18
  • NPM Version:
  • Yarn Version: latest

Hello there,
I have an Docker Stack with Strapi.
Note that my data and uploads are stored in Docker Volumes.

I want to :

    • Export datas from remote host : OK no problem I can generate the .tar.gz.enc and move it to my local computer
    • Import datas in my localhost dev environment (WSL2+Ubuntu+Docker) using the new Strapi feature.

So, in my localhost…

docker compose up -d
docker ps
docker exec -it <strapi_container_id> /bin/sh

I’m now in my container (a backup shared folder allow to access previous export file) …

cd /project_folder
yarn strapi import -f ./backup/remote-host-export-file-2023-02-02-11:40:24.tar.gz.enc

Import seems to be ok but a fatal error appears :frowning:

[2023-02-02 11:48:26.890] error: [FATAL] EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rename '/project_folder/public/uploads' -> '/project_folder/public/uploads_backup_1675338506885'
Import process failed.
error Command failed with exit code 1.

/project_folder/public/uploads is my docker volume, so it seems normal that he doesn’t like the operation very much…

Any idea to resolve/allow the operation ?
Is there a parameter to avoid this renaming ?
I have tried to do export without file (--exclude file) no way same problem…

Thanks !