Strapi 4 Blank Admin page

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 4.0.0
  • Operating System: Mac OS
  • Database: Postgres
  • Node Version: 14.17.6
  • NPM Version: Yarn
  • Yarn Version: v1.22.17

Hi Team,
I deployed the code which was definitely working before, but it stops working now. The admin page is blank. And I got the following error. Can anyone please help?
Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined
at main.ae8c49ef.js:2:993585
at Object.423 (main.ae8c49ef.js:2:994477)
at e (main.ae8c49ef.js:2:1000498)
at Object.1261 (main.ae8c49ef.js:2:975524)
at e (main.ae8c49ef.js:2:1000498)
at Object.9321 (main.ae8c49ef.js:2:985090)
at e (main.ae8c49ef.js:2:1000498)
at main.ae8c49ef.js:2:1000524
at Object.94344 (main.ae8c49ef.js:2:1000541)
at s (runtime~main.11745f88.js:1:141)


Hey @DMehaffy, sorry to ping you directly, could you please help? It’s blocking our company’s production deployment :sob:. Really appreciate it!
Here is the same issue that someone posted

We don’t want to change the strapi version since to my understanding, that will lost the previous data.


I cloned the code from git and rebuild the proj, it’s working, but previous content I created are lost. Wondering if there’s a better option. Also wondering why clone the same proj works.


If you encounter the similar issue. I fixed it by upgrading the version to 4.10.12. Btw, 4.0.6 and 4.1.8 don’t work for me.
And if you directly upgrade from 4.0.0 to 4.1.1+. Don’t miss the following setting, this is only mentioned in v4.1.8 migration guide.

You have to set jwtSecret in config/plugin.js

Strapi no longer populates default values for the admin JWT in config/admin . Initial values are generated and stored in the .env file during project creation. Strapi no longer passes secrets to non-development environments, requiring users to set the secrets purposefully.

Most commonly it has to do with users forgetting to delete the lock file.
We are looking at ways to prevent it though

Thanks for your reply! I deleted the lock file but it didn’t work.
I have to upgrade to the latest version, and it seems to be working fine now. But I’m worried about if this issue happen again in the future. Looking forward to see any offical solutions of it.

I have the exact same issue. I’m developping and deploying with Docker, and the lock file wasn’t the issue. I have updated to the version 4.2.2 and it’s working. I’m keep the 4.2.3 available in case I have the issue once again :stuck_out_tongue:

Any update on a permanent fix?

Spent a good part of the day trying to figure this out. For anyone stumbling upon this problem. My problem was that I have installed a plugin from the marketplace.

The issue was that the plugin had a different version than strapi itself ie:

strapi: 4.3.4
documentation plugin: 4.3.6

Hope it helps someone

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Yes. I agree. For anyone having these problems It is because you installed a plugin for the marketplace and used it to build your admin dashboard with npm.

This breaks the Strapi dashboard. For reasons that are not good.

To fix this however you need to use yarn package manager.

The steps are:

  • Delete Node_modules folder
  • delete package-lock.json
  • yarn install
    -yarn build (important to build with yarn because npm builds from cache and uses broken code from the plugin)

Well, I’m never using the plugin marketplace again. Terrible experience. Set us back for days, and now we know we can’t even extend the dashboard features like adding a better editor.

It’s been fun using Strapi these past years, and I was hopeful.

Just the migration from v3 to v4 is catastrophic, but that is for another talk.

Thanks for trying!


this works for me, thanks!