clicking the button to create an admin user a new page to /admin opens and gives the error in the console
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () runtime~main.f6ccac5d.js:1
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () main.75a19cc0.js:1
Is there anyone who knows what the problem could be?
I am facing the same issue.
If served directly by Haproxy, it works.
If served Haproxy > Nginx, it doesn’t work.
Did everything by Strapi docs.
It can’t find anything under /admin. Nginx screams File Not Found in /etc/nginx/html/… .js
This way it can’t find robots.txt either
I tried to set the root path in Nginx to /path/to/public.
This way it found robots.txt, and responds to /, but nothing else.
on your .env do you have a PUBLIC_URL env that is attached to it?
also when you update the config on server.js did you then build the strapi again
i recently ran into a similar issues
admin image not showing as the URL is not set up properly → changing the url value via .env or the url in the server.js
admin page itself loaded but blank and have 404 errors for the main.js as the URL pointed to the wrong path → Build the strapi again after changing configurations (maybe also have a look on the network tab to see if the 404)
hopefully, it could help you out, but im by no means any expert
I was able to solve this problem by following the guide on Strapi admin page not found - Jamshaid Ali Rebuild the admin panel: In case there is an issue with the built admin panel, you can try rebuilding it by running the following command in your Strapi project directory: