Strapi bug with set custom email plugin (sendiblue or sendgrid)

System Information
  • Strapi Version: 4.7.1
  • Operating System: linux ubuntu 22.04
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Node Version: v16.18.0
  • NPM Version: 8.19.2

Hi guys!
I an error , I put a sendiblue provider into my plugin.ts file, but it does not update my strapi plugin email configuration , its always sendmail. Also I was trying to set sendgrid, but its already does not update my email plugins.

const crypto = require("crypto");

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  email: {
    config: {
      provider: "strapi-provider-email-sendinblue",
      providerOptions: {
        sendinblue_api_key: env("SIB_API_KEY", "xkeysib-0987654321-abcdef"),
        sendinblue_default_replyto: env(
        sendinblue_default_from: env(
        sendinblue_default_from_name: env(
          "Sender Name"
  "users-permissions": {
    config: {
      jwtSecret: env("JWT_SECRET") || crypto.randomBytes(16).toString("base64"),

1 Like

I have the very same issue!
Any body here on the forum that can share a solution?

Furthermore, if I try to send an email with the TEST EMAIL DELIVERY under EmailPlugin >> Configuration. I get an error email not sent.

Hey. Can you try to update strapi to the latest version?

OS: linux-x64
Strapi Version: 4.17.0
Node/Yarn Version: yarn/1.22.19 npm/? node/v20.6.1 linux x64
Edition: Community
Database: mysql

I did. But no changes. Unfortunately the email configuration is still stuck to sendmail