Strapi / Cloudinary sub-folders not showing in Cloudinary / Strapi

System Information
  • Strapi Version: v4.7.0
  • Node Version: v14.18.1

We have connected Cloudinary to Strapi. All works fine EXCEPT, sub-folders created in Cloudinary are not shown in Strapi, and sub-folders created in Strapi are not shown in Cloudinary.

Is there a way to show the Cloudinary sub-folders please? And to upload into those?

If not, then if in Cloudinary we have for example Product images in a Products folder, and Download PDFs in a Downloads folder, how can we choose these files in Strapi Media if the folders do not show?



Hi. I have the same issue. Did you find a way around it?

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Hello, i have the same issue. Status? Thanks!

For info I have not found a solution for this. Heroku has a strict timeout of 30 seconds so when we upload large files Heroku crashes the whole app. Unbelievable!

But we cant upload files direct into Cloudinary as they dont show up in Strapi.

No, no solution yet.